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Committee Information 2008

August 09, 2007

ASSOCIATION GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE - The purpose of the Association Governance Committee is to review and recommend to the Board of Directors changes to the Association Bylaws and Policies and Procedures Manual to ensure the Association's written statements are consistent with the manner in which it conducts business.

Shareen Thewke - Chair

Bob Walker

AWARDS COMMITTEE - The purpose of this committee is to recognize and honor members that have contributed to NeASFAA's mission.

Matthew Johnson - Chair
Laura Schultz - Co-Chair
Steve Carper
Juanita Czarnick
Jean Phillips

  COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE - The purpose of this committee is to facilitate communication within the Association.

Sherry Douglas - Co-Chair
Les L. Monroe - Co-Chair
Janet Dodson
Ritchie Morrow

CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - The Corporate Development Committee is responsible for soliciting funds to support the purposes of the Association, except for the collection of membership dues.

Lisa Mueller - Chair
Wendy Olson - Co-Chair
Kent Wolfe

FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE - This committee is responsible for reviewing the general financial position of the Association and advising the Board relative to fiscal matters.

Tom Ochsner - Chair
Randy Sell - Co-Chair
Mary Sommers - Ex-Officio
Lisa Gdowski - Ex-Officio
Shareen Thewke - Ex-Officio
Renee Besse - Ex-Officio
Laurie Harris
Dean Obenauer
Caroline Routh
  Download the
Expense/Reimbursement Claim Form

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE - This committee is charged with the continued development and maintenance of the membership of the Association.

Randy Lovins - Chair
Terri Graham - Co-Chair
Susan Stephenson
Janice Volker
Amanda Blue

NOMINATIONS/ELECTIONS COMMITTEE - This committee is charged with conducting the nominations and general election processes for NeASFAA offices in accordance with the established timelines.

Lisa Gdowski - Chair

Steve Carper
Juanita Czarnick
Mark Araujo
Jean Phillips

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - This committee is charged with providing opportunities for professional growth and development for the NeASFAA membership.

Sarah Sell - Chair
Vicki Kucera - Co-Chair
Diane Kahle
Kim Grubb
Mark Schilmoeller
Deana Unger
Gary Adams


NeASFAA Speaker Form