2020-2021 NeASFAA Board of Directors
April 26, 2020
Renee Besse
University of Nebraska-Keaney
President Elect: Justin Brown, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Past President: Sheila Johns, Western Nebraska Community College
Secretary: Sarah Standley, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Treasurer: Lisa Gdowski, Central Community College
2-year Public Sector Rep: Kimberly Vanosdall, Northeast Community College
Associate Sector Rep: Jodi Vanden Berge, EducationQuest
Private Sector Rep: Susan Collins, Capitol School of Hairstyling and Esthetics
4-year Public Sector Rep: Sheila Pourier, Chadron State College
2020-2021 NeASFAA Board of Directors
not pictured: Ritchie Morrow - CCPE, Historian