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Nebraska Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators

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Greetings to my NeASFAA Colleagues!

February 29, 2012

Greetings to all of you!

Can you believe March Madness is upon us?!   You know I am not just talking about Basketball, but the beginning of the processing season.  Your NeASFAA Board has been hard at work and here are just a few things we have been up to since October:

PDC has been working extremely hard on the Spring Conference! I think it will be one of the best conferences we have had!  This year's dates are April 19-20th at Divots in Norfolk, NE.  The facility is a wonderful place and the rooms are terrific.  We have have a great agenda in place and this year we were fortunate enough to have a training specialist from NASFAA at our conference.  She will be doing sessions on Verification, Administrative Capability and NASFAA Tools.When she is not presenting, she will be answering questions at a table in the Vendor area.  We are be celebrating NeASFAA's 45th Anniversary this year, too!  Registration is available on the www.neasfaa.org website.

This year, NeASFAA has teamed up with the Great Plains Collectors Network and we will be offering sessions for Perkins Loan officers and business office staff at our spring conference.  We encourage you to talk to your business offices and extend an invitation for them to join us. There will be sessions on Bankruptcy & Litigation, Financial Literacy, VA Benefits and other sessions
which may prove beneficial to them. 

Don't forget to nominate your colleague for awards - both the prestigious and fun awards!  Erin Dineen and the rest of the awards committee need your input.  If know anyone that is worthy of an award, please let the committee know.... this includes babies, retirements, etc.

As you know, 2012 is our year to host the RMASFAA Conference.  The dates are October 14-17th, 2012 and it will be held at Creighton University's new conference center.  The planning committee held a site visit in December and the facility is fantastic and the program will be loaded with lots of great information from some of the top people in the industry.  The Chairs of the RMASFAA Conference are: Bailey Jorgensen and Jodi Vanden Berge.  If you wish to volunteer to help with this event, please feel free to contact one of them. 

The Communications committee is finalizing a listserv policy for that can be posted on our listserv by members.  The committee also surveyed the organization to determine what our association would like to see in terms of newsletters, how to deliver it, etc.  The results have been reviewed and
the committee will be looking at ways to keep the association abreast of what is happening with its members.

Our Association Governance committee, headed up by Terri Graham and Ritchie Morrow has graciously updated the NeASFAA Policy & Procedures manual.

Elections were held in November and and to recap here are the results:
President-Elect:  LeAnn Hoffman
Treasurer:  Marty Habrock
Secretary:  Matt Johnson
Private 4 Year:  Misten Thompson
Private Career:  Sara Christensen

Your upcoming President, Tom Oschner and upcoming Treasurer are heading off to Washington, D.C. this next weekend for the annual NASFAA Leadership Conference in preparation for the year ahead.  They will also be meeting with Congressmen on the Hill to lobby for the Subsidized loan interest rate to remain at 3.4 percent for the 2012-13 school year. 

That sums up what we have been up too since October!  The  unofficial January Board meeting minutes have been posted to our website.  I hope to see all of you in Norfolk in April!

My Best
Peggy Tvrdy