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Nebraska Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators

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NeASFAA Annual Association Business Meeting March 27, 2020

March 18, 2020


NeASFAA Annual Association Business Meeting

Friday, March 27, 2020 @ 12:00 pm Central

Conducted via Zoom

Zoom Instructions:


1-253-215-8782 US  Meeting ID: 393 385 116

NeASFAA Proxy Form


Call to Order

  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Approval of Minutes from March 2019
  3. Officer Reports
  1. President, Sheila Johns
  2. President Elect, Renee Besse
  3. Past President, Marty Habrock
  4. Treasurer, Janice Volker
    1. Balance Sheet
    2. Profit and Loss
  5. Secretary, Sarah Standley
  1. Sector Representative Reports
  1. Two-year Public Institutions, Kimberly Vanosdall
  2. Private Colleges and Universities, Doug Watson
  3. Four-year Public Colleges and Universities, vacant
  4. Associate Membership, Shareen Thewke
  1. Committee Reports
  1. Association Governance, Marty Habrock
  2. Corporate Development, Cecilia Hernandez-Chavez
  3. Finance and Audit, Janet Solberg
  4. Membership Connections, Lani Swanson
  5. Nominations and Elections, Renee Besse
  6. Professional Development & Recognition Committee, Stacy Seim
  7. State & Federal Relations, Justin Brown
  1. Old Business
  1. New Business
    1. Notification of 2020-2021 election results
      1. President-Elect, Justin Brown
      2. Treasurer, Lisa Gdowski
      3. Private Sector Rep, Fallon Watts
      4. Associate Sector Rep, Jodi Vanden Berge
    2. 2020-2021 Budget
    3. Awards
      1. Summer Institute Scholarship Winner
      2. Rookie of the Year
      3. Bob Minturn Award
      4. Distinguished Service Award
      5. Years of service, babies, other recognitions


  1. Other business


  1. Adjournment